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Swedish-Massage at Hibarigaoka where you'll find deep relaxation.

Relax with Long, Steady Strokes


【Benefits of Swedish-Massage】


Swedish-Massage is ideal for reducing stress, both emotional and physical.

It is very effective at relieving anxiety and finding a sense of balance and harmony. The pressure relaxes tight muscles and relieves tension. The stimulation to the skin is deeply calming. It can also promote healthy sleep and support energy levels.

The movements and firm pressure affect soft tissues. Your lymph system is encouraged as the muscles are stimulated and relaxed.

If you suffer from any of the following conditions we can discuss these during your first consultation.


*Muscle tension and strains

* Anxiety

* Stress

* Low energy

* Poor sleep




5000 yen/50 mins 

*For Men 6000 yen/60 mins 




2 mins from Hibarigaoka Station on Seibu Ikebukuro line.

15 minutes from Ikebukuro Station by express train.




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